Welcome to The Sensory & Communication Team

The Sensory and Communication Team are at the heart of learning at Beacon Hill Academy.

Our team consists of a Specialist Support and Therapy Team lead, who was a class teacher at Beacon Hill for 10 years and is now a trainee QTMSI (Qualified Teacher for children with Multisensory Impairments). A part time Speech and Language Therapist and 2 Speech and Language Therapy Apprentices and a Care and Specialised Support Manager.

Finally we have a small group of T.A’s who have had additional Visual Impairment Training and act as our visual needs ambassadors. We run whole school, whole class, small group and 1:1 sessions throughout the year. We also model good practice in the classrooms and also provide advice and support for families as needed.

The team work closely with the local authority services for vision and hearing impairments and the NHS medical teams including dieticians and the feeding and swallowing team.

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    Sensory approaches to learning

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    Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

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    Manual handling advice and risk assessments

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    Positive Eye

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    Modern Foreign Languages week

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    Hand and foot massage

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    SaLT programmes, advice, support

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    Intensive Interaction

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    Music therapy

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    Eyegaze technology

“The children’s enthusiasm on the tour was great. It was very humbling seeing the fantastic work the teachers do and what a great difference you have made to the pupils.”

– Teacher from Local Academy

Achievement Has No Boundaries